AGM - 6th April 2024

We will be holding our annual AGM on 6th May, 2023 via Zoom.

Our guest speaker is Carol Woodin, ASBA’s Exhibitions Director for the Americal Society of Botanical Art (ABSA).

Carol Woodin has been ASBA’s Exhibitions Director since 2004, and has helped to curate many ecologically-themed and traveling botanical art exhibitions. She served as lead organizer for the 2018 Botanical Art Worldwide project, and is one of its organizers for the 2025 project. Woodin is co-editor, with Robin Jess, of Botanical Art Techniques: A Comprehensive Guide published by ASBA and Timber Press, and illustrated the Kew monograph Slipper Orchids of the Tropical Americas by Phillip Cribb and Christopher Purver. Spending time outdoors looking at and making studies of plants for future paintings is one of her favorite things in life, even though she’s been doing just that for over 35 years. She is the latest recipient of the Shirley Sherwood Award, has received an RHS Gold Medal, and the 1998 ASBA Diane Bouchier Artist Award.  She has taught watercolor courses throughout the Americas, in Europe and South Africa, and always looks forward to telling stories about botanical art and plant diversity.

In this talk, Carol will talk a little about what crop diversity is, how it manifests itself in the foods we consume, and why it’s important. The world is increasingly connected through the foods and other utilitarian crops we cultivate and consume, and the ramifications of that are not sufficiently studied and acknowledged. This project seeks to bring this important topic into the conversation among a broader audience. She will explore the three categories of plants accepted for the Botanical Art Worldwide 2025 project, using examples of botanical art to illustrate each category. Some resources for further information will be provided.


MAY - Monthly Botanical Prompt


‘W H A K A O H O - Awakening’, an exhibiton of Botanical Art